

Play and Win

Ever wanted to start a conversation with those around you but found it difficult? Whatever happened to a fleeting chat that’s easily created as it is forgotten? Well, SayWaat lets you share what you see and think with others nearby, anonymously. Simply create #groupchat for those around you to join.

No profiles no details. Change your anonymous name as often as you like. If the group chat stops being used, it deletes in 24 hours. Forever. We won’t keep it. We’re a democracy, so any rogue users trying to ruin it for the rest of us can be voted out of a #groupchat by the majority.

Any type of racism & bullying has no place in the world. Help us keep it that way. You can instantly invite friends through Twitter & Facebook about a live chat that they think they should jump in on

:: Used ::
Swift, Java, JSON, GIPHY GIFs, RESTful API, MySQL, Google Analytics, Retrofit

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